Data Analytics Master’s Courses

Learn how to make data-driven business decisions

You will gain in-depth knowledge of information systems, as well as modern analytical skills, while fulfilling the 30-credit course requirement for the Analytics MS degree program.

Rigorous classroom instruction and required projects are structured to prepare you for the unique demands of this fast-paced sector. Courses are specifically broken out into the following segments, allowing you to build a foundation of knowledge as you go: Program Core, Analytics Intelligence, and Analytics Applications.

You will conclude the program with a required thesis or internship to demonstrate competency in research, analysis, and project work. You may elect to include research, project work, or both. An effective thesis will help you solidify your grasp of the program content and serve as an impressive addition to your career portfolio.

Preparatory courses (up to 6 credits)

Students with undergraduate preparation in a non-business field may be required to complete up to 6 credits of preparatory coursework. Students with a strong academic record (B or better in each case) from an accredited university may be able to waive preparatory foundation courses. Accounting & Business Law (ACCT500) requires managerial and financial accounting, as well as any course labelled business law that included contracts and tort law. Management & Marketing (MGMT500) requires organizational behavior, operations management, and marketing or any similarly named course that includes consumer behavior.

This course provides the basic fundamentals that serve as a necessary foundation for a degree through our School of Business.

ACCT 500Accounting, Business Law & Ethics
MGMT 500Management & Marketing

If you have not completed all of these courses as part of your undergraduate studies, they are available through our program. For more information on prerequisites, please contact admissions.

Program core courses (with concentrations)

ITKM 505Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence
MGMT 555Global Program and Project Management

Analytics intelligence courses

ITKM 548Introduction to Business Analytics
ITKM 549Technical Concepts for Analytics Professionals
ITKM 560Foundations in Advanced Enterprise Analytics

Analytics applications courses

MGMT 534Strategic Sourcing and Vendor Management
FIN 534Behavioral Economics Algor Financial
MKTG 525Data-Driven Marketing


The capstone in the MS in Analytics consists of a business research methods course and either a thesis, internship or strategy and policy course.

BUCP 588Research Methods for Business
BUCP 598Thesis OR
BUCP 599Internship

View all courses offered and read full course descriptions in our online course catalog system.

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